Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days

The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension. If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, s/he will be fined 5,000.- Baht.

If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case. 

The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.

The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days. * You don't need to do the first application separately. You will get the 90days report on your 90 days visa extension.

Procedure and notification

Notification can needs to be in person or another authorizes person or can also be online.

=> HERE <=

Fill the information email address, name and phone number.

You will receive an email with password.

You need to save the password for future log in.

Log in again and you can start application process

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