Performance management with OKR (Objectives and Key Results)

Performance management with OKR (Objectives and Key Results) 

Performance management with OKR (Objectives and Key Results) tools is becoming increasingly popular in many organizations. OKRs are a great way to align individual goals with organizational objectives, and to track progress in a transparent and measurable way. But even with the best tools and intentions, performance management can still be a tricky process. So, let me share a funny story to lighten up the mood!

In my previous job, my team and I were assigned a new project, and we were super excited to work on it. We started setting up our OKRs and wanted to challenge ourselves to achieve something extraordinary. We came up with an ambitious goal to complete the project in half the time it usually took.

We worked hard for a few weeks, and things were going well until we hit a roadblock. We discovered that we had underestimated the complexity of the project, and there was no way we could achieve our goal in the time we had allocated. Panic set in, and we started working longer hours and skipping lunch breaks to make up for lost time. But the harder we worked, the further behind we fell.

Finally, we realized that our goal was unattainable, and we had set ourselves up for failure. We had to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate our OKRs. We needed to set more realistic goals that would challenge us but also be achievable.

This experience taught us the importance of setting realistic goals, and not trying to achieve the impossible. We learned that it's better to set goals that we can attain and then exceed them, rather than setting ourselves up for failure.

In conclusion, OKRs are a great tool for performance management, but it's important to set achievable goals. Don't fall into the trap of setting up unreachable goals that can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Learn from our mistakes, and set realistic OKRs that will challenge you and your team, but also be achievable.

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